The Committee

The Committee is elected annually at the AGM, and normally meets monthly (apart from December); please see the Calendar for details. The current Committee is Chair Alex Hollingsworth, Treasurer Jamie Forbes, Secretary Phyllis Starkey and Committee members: Keith Holton, Jeremy Hyde, Ilias Kounatidis, John Davis and Elizabeth Stroud. More details can be found below. 

Alex and Jamie are CMAA’s Trustees.

Alex Hollingsworth was elected as Chair at the 2021 AGM. Alex previously served on the Committee as Vice-Chair and audit lead, as well as doing countless working parties for many years. In addition to chairing the Association, Alex takes the lead on site management such as trees and mowing. He is on plots 80B, 81 and 82.
Jamie Forbes, who became a member in 2006 on Plot 63 and a committee member in 2007, is our Treasurer. He also does working parties, builds and maintains our notice boards and organises machinery repair and petrol. He is the central figure in all Cripley Meadow social events, supplying and managing the food, drink and barbecue.
Keith Holton joined the committee in 2015 having been a plotholder since 1980 on plots 131/132. He has seen many changes on Cripley Meadow and his inclusion means the committee spans 5 decades. He helps with deliveries and organises our skip changovers. Keith also (in normal times) hosts our committee meetings.
Jeremy Hyde became a committee member in 2010 and a member in 2006 on Plot 91. He manages the Association Shed area and is responsible for our health and safety information. Jeremy contracts for the Association around one day a month doing site work, such as installing communal water butts and repairing the bridges to Cripley Island.
Ilias Kounatidis became a plot holder in 2013. He is on plots 2 & 3, sharing the jobs with two excellent helpers, Christina and Elisavet. He was co-opted to the Committee in 2020 as Orchard Lead, following his family tradition of growing olive trees back in Greece.
Phyllis Starkey took plot SF7 early in 2018 when it was partly covered. Our records show that Phyllis had plot 10 on Cripley Meadow in the early 1980s before work and a young family made it untenable. Her present plot is now well stocked with vegetables, fruit and flowers. She was elected as a committee member at the 2019 AGM, acts as Membership Secretary, keeps our membership records up-to-date, and took over as Secretary after the 2022 AGM.
John Davis joined the Association on plot 10B in 2020 and was elected to the committee in 2022. John is the lead for membership applications and plot offers. Email:
Elizabeth Stroud has been a member of Cripley Meadow allotments since 2013 on plot 49. She was elected to the committee in 2024 and is in charge of the website.
Co-opted members
Wendy is on plot 40 and is co-opted to help with shredding.Rodney is on Plot 41 and is co-opted to help with orchards, projects and shredding.
Richard is on Plot 15/16 and is co-opted for site spraying.
Dominica is on plot 101 and is currently co-opted to manage the trading shop.

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